News that once was new!

October 7th 2016: AtomDB 3.0.4 and PyAtomDB v0.0.1.8

Major update to many wavelengths for 4-or-less electron ions to match NIST values, and improvements to representation of the ionization balance rates have been made. These data are now available as AtomDB v3.0.4 on the download page (NOTE: an error occured during packaging. New files are being prepared!). In addition, pyatomdb has undergone major updates and bugfixes.

July 18th 2016: AtomDB 3.0.3 Bugfix

Similar to the issue with the non-equilibrium files in version 3.0.2, we have re-sorted the equilibrium files to prevent spurious lines appearing in XSPEC. The version 3.0.3 equilibrium tarball has been updated on the download page, or you can run your own fix by following the instructions there.

May 20th 2016: AtomDB 3.0.3 Released

We have released AtomDB v3.0.3. You can download the files from the download section or by using pyatomdb (pyatomdb.util.switch_version('3.0.3')).

May 19th 2016: High Energy Model Comparison Workshop

In collaboration with the SPEX team and the Lorentz Center in the Netherlands, we are hosting a workshop for comparing X-ray spectral models this summer from August 8th-12th at the Lorentz Center. More details are available for those interested here.

September 25th 2015: PyAtomDB Module Released

We have released the PyAtomDB module. This provides a range of tool for acacessing the AtomDB database, including downloading the raw atomic data for AtomDB. The project is available at PyPI and documentation is on Read the Docs. This package is in very active development, so we welcome feedback!

August 21st 2015: Bug in NEI models for XSPEC 12.9

A bug leading to spurious data the NEI models using any of the AtomDB 3 NEI models in XSPEC 12.9 has been found. See the download section for details and a fix.

August 14th 2015: AtomDB Workshop Schedule Available

See here for details.

June 17th 2015: AtomDB 3.0.2 Released

Minor bugfixes to the AtomDB 3.0.1 database, along with including the Fe I-VII emission. Now available now on the Download page.

March 31st 2015: Libreadapec v0.3 released

The C library for reading the AtomDB emissivity files has been updated. This includes minor bugfixes and significant improvements to the code. Download it here.

March 27th 2015: AtomDB Workshop and Work week 2015 announced

The 2015 AtomDB Workshop and Workweek will be combined with the 2015 Chandra Workshop. It will be held at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, from 17th-21st August. Details.

March 13th 2015: AtomDB 3.0.1 Released

Minor bugfixes to the AtomDB 3.0.0 database, and the release of the equilibrium data, are available now on the Download page.

March 3rd 2015: AtomDB 3.0.0 Released

The NEI version of AtomDB 3.0 has been released. It can now be used in XSPEC to model recombining and ionizing plasmas. It can be accessed on the Download page. Full database to follow later this week.

August 17th 2014: AtomDB 3.0.0 Beta 4 Released

The next iteration of the AtomDB Database has been released for beta testing. Details.

May 20th 2014: AtomDB ACX Model Posted

The AtomDB Charge Exchange model, ACX, version 1.0 has been posted. Details.

February 11th 2014: AtomDB Workshop and Workweek 2014

The 2014 AtomDB Workshop will be held at Tokyo Metroplitan University, Japan from September 6th-9th. Details.

September 23rd 2013: AtomDB NEI library libapecnei released

The AtomDB non-equilibrium ionization balance library has been released, allowing the NEI calculations without the overhead of the full APEC code. Full details are here.

July 23rd 2013: AtomDB iPad App Launched

There is now an iPad app for AtomDB, available in Apple App Store. More details here.