The fifth AtomDB Workshop will be held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA from Monday August 17th to Friday August 21st 2015. This year, the workshop is combining with the 2015 Chandra Workshop The Universe in High-resolution X-ray Spectra, which runs from the 19th-21st.
The workshop will bring together producers of atomic data, both theoretical and experimental, with the users of atomic data relevant to X-ray astronomy. The workshop aims to identify progress in the Lab Astro field which is directly relevant to X-ray astronomy, show how to use this data to observers, and to show the results of using the atomic physics to analyze astrophysical spectra.
On the Monday and Tuesday we shall have our work-week sessions. During these we typically meet informally in the morning with people who wish learn in detail about AtomDB, or to collaborate on larger projects with us. We then break into smaller groups during the day to advance these projects. The workshop, which begins on Wednesday, will feature more formal talks, tutorials and (depending n demand) poster sessions.
Previous AtomDB workshops have proven to be a fruitful place for developing new analysis techniques, refining proposals for new laboratory measurements, and simply building new collaborations. We especially encourage those who would like to work with the AtomDB team or other attendees on atomic data problems connected to astrophysics, whether it be incorporating new data into the database, identifying new data needs, or learning how to use the existing models to analyze astrophysical data.
The program is available here.