We have completed the alpha testing stage of the AtomDB 3.0 release, and are now in the open beta phase. At this point, we have a functioning dataset and APEC model, which we think are ready for use, but if you discover anything revolutionary with them (e.g. the moon is made of cheese) you should check with us first before publishing in case it is an error.
In Beta 4, we have fixed some issues with double counting inner shell levels and merging datasets. This now includes data for all ions with less than 21 electrons of all elements. We are still working on shirinking the files for the remaining ions to include them in the database. We have also temporarily removed the XSTAR photoionization cross sections from the calculations: these will be reintroduced before 3.0 is finalised.
For the beta phase we are requiring registration to download the data, so that we can update you as/if/when updates are made. Please login, or if you are not registered, please register.
In order to use the new data, you can download the new HEASOFT (version 6.16) with XSPEC 12.8.2. The rnei model utilizes the new data, and can be used for ionizing and recombining plasmas. To load the data:
xset NEIVERS 3.0
xset NEIAPECROOT /path/to/atomdb/apec_v3.0.0_beta4
Any and all feedback is welcome, for errors, questions, how-tos etc. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.